
  • Darkorbit Bot V2.1.5
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 28. 11:36

    Oh yea the Ibot is collecting invisible boxes.If you want a good bot,you should pay 25€ for the Adbot.Wrong, Adbot also collects the Invisible Boxes, I've been talking to iNk not too long ago and he thought the Invisible boxes were bullshit (I thought that too), but there are invisible Boxes.UDOBot doesn't collect the invisible ones as of v2.5.3, but before that version it did.Next time I talk to him I'll tell him it's not bullshit haha, I hope he already has the filter made, but as I said, last time I've talked to him he said he didn't have it.

    What „palla by palavia” can do:1. Collect palladium. ( 1800-2000 per hour )2. Automatic use PET for collecting.3. Repair ship when it is under 95% of health.4. Switch configuration when you are under 45% of health and move outside of fog to repair.5.

    Kill all pirates when ship is under attack. ( Not shooting other players! Selling palladium when you are 100% full ( Must have hangar on 5-2 ).7. Using one abilitie of the AEGIS.8. Program is automatically updated when it is necessary!9. Auto reconnect if internet connection is lost or if the servers restarts. (work with Google Chrome)II.

    How to start:1. Open your DO account with Google Chrome browser.2. Go to hangar screen and start your ship in configuration which will collect palladium on 5-3.3. Start „ palla by palavia.exe” and make all required settings in the menu if necessary.4. Now you can press „Tab”-fast kay or „Save & RUN” to start the collecting processPosted in. 2D settingsDownload:What is MBot?MBot, developed by Moneypulation and FlutterShy, is a fast and safe Bot that not only runs in background, but also is safe and easy to use.The fact that MBot is based on Pixel and the human-like features both make it nearly impossible to detect the bot.


    Darkorbit Bot V2.1.5 Mod


    Given the friendly Support as well as the fact that it doesn’t need updates (unless for new features and eventboxes), makes MBot your Uridium delivery number 1 if you don’t want to wait for updates every week. These are the current features:Pixelbot– Collect Bonusbox– Collect Eventbox– Collect Cargobox– Collect Green Booties– Collect Palladium– NPC Killer– Automatically Updates– Collect nearest box– Bot on all maps– Fast collecting– Set maximum number of collected boxes/booties– See realtime statistics by pressing “s”– Be aware of news in the Home tab– Repair when low HP– Revive after being destroyed– Reconnect– Higher Anti Ban Features– Flee if there are enemies on map– Save your settings– Bot as long as you wantBlack = FreeBlue = Only PremiumPosted in. Tagged, Post navigation.

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